Monday, March 12, 2007

Did I hear that right?

Did you know that if you moved to Wascana View...

1. Your neighbours would respect you.
2. You would always get the first donut.
3. Your grass would always be green, and...
4. Your kids would start getting straight A's!



Did you know that? No, I didn't either, but, the new Homes by Dundee radio commercials claim that this is so. I have also heard another commercial that is even more ridiculous than this one. Wait, could that be possible? YES!

Excuse my sarcasm here people but honestly, would moving into a new area of town really make your neighbours respect you? Or, would it make your grass green? OR, would it allow you to always get the first donut, implying that you would also become better than everyone at work as well? No, no and NO! Moving into a grotesquely huge and enormously expensive house would not make YOU any of these things because people create their own worth. You will only by respected for who you are and what you do, not what you live in or what you can buy.

Now my favourite part, if Wascana View can't make you a better person, why then will your kids start getting straight A's? Is this because the school they were at had such a different demographic that your kids were being ignored because of their lack of "need?" Or, was it because they chose to make friends with "lower educated" children that were not up to your standard? OR, and I could dance around this all day, but is it a race issue?

This commercial really hit home for me. It seemed to be aimed at, no, it was aimed at the upper middle class and the upper class, classes that I assume are not as racially diverse as that of the middle and lower classes. Hmmm. Which makes me wonder if living in this area has more to do with White Privelege than it does with anything else. Basically, your neighbours will most likely be white, your children will go to school with white children and everyone will be at the same demographic.
I actually taught at one of the newer schools in this area, and 6 out of 10 times, that is exactly what I saw.

And, lastly, no, your kids won't get straight A's because you moved them into the ritzy area of town, that depends on them and the quality of their teacher. If you would like to have your kids get straight A's help them with their homework, spend family time togeher, talk to their teacher, research a school. But please, don't listen to the radio and this horrible commercial!!!

1 comment:

Nicolita said...

Hey Jackie

I really appreciated your post. "White Privilege" is such a huge issue and people so often are blind to it. It is so important that we think critically about commercials that try advertising this way. This is especially true after Macleans dreadful report on Regina's North Central. Yes, our city does have it's problems, but moving into a White Supremist "colony" by relocating to Wascana View is definitely not the answer! It is so awful that they mentioned your kids will get straight "A's" if they go to one of those schools. We really need to consider the racism and stereotypes that lit behind ads like this.