Monday, April 2, 2007

Kudos Digital Internship!

I am sure some of you fine folks out there are already aware that I was part of the Digital Internship Project. This project allowed me to be mentored while integrating technology into my education internship, something that I truly recommend to any education student out there! Unfortunately, I just am not seeing that same enthusiasm with next years interns. I went to visit a group today and tell them of the wonderous adventures that technology could bring to them. They just didn't seem to interested. Listen up new teachers, technology, be it chalk or a smart board, is here to stay and you better know how to use it. It may just make the difference for one of your students or one of your classes someday. Technology is not the only way to go, but it is a big part of our society and we need to be able to teach it. To any of you out there that are attending the University of Regina's Education program and are going to go into intrenship think of these pros:

1. Free laptop for four months
2. Access to computer technology and mentors at the U of R beyond what regular interns would receive
3. A way to differentiate yourself from 300 others (The only interviews that I had were based on my use of technology with early childhood students)
4. Workshops and lots of them
5. Free food (This is not the most important, but interns are poor and a free meal here or there doesn't hurt!)

I really recommend that if you ever have an opportunity such as this to jump on it. I learned so much as an educator. I can do so many more interesting things with what I have learned than most teachers I know. Just do it!!!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

It's sad that the new interns don't have any interest in technology. I hope they take this class in the future so that they can learn how useful technology can be to support classroom instruction and so they learn that technology is quickly becoming something we can't ignore in schools, so a thorough understanding is required.