Thursday, February 1, 2007

On the Map for the Wrong Reasons!

Our city has had its 15 minutes of fame during the month of January and what a roller coaster month it has been. Named as having "Canada's Worst Neighborhood" by Macleans Magazine, Regina has gone under the microscope by any Canadian who has read the article. The four page spread in the magazine stated that residents of Regina's North Central Neibourhood were living in conditions comparable to third world countries. It also argued what is and is not being done for the community.
Since the article was publish Mayor Pat Fiacco has show much resentment and backlash towards the magazine; I have heard rumors of him throwing copies into a wood chipper. But amidst the controversy things have actually been looking up for the inner city community. Two more articles have been published in Macleans since the original article, one stating Fiacco's feelings on the subject and the other stating the changes and public feelings within the neighbourhood.
I feel that having Regina flagged as a problem city for poverty has forced our municipal and provincial governments to really look closely at what is being done for this neighbourhood. Because of the article Regina will now have its first Urban Reserve with in the North Central Area. This is an exciting time for our city, I hope that Macleans continues to nag this city into improvement. I can't wait to see what type of positive things emerge from this odd publicity.

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